5% CBD oil with hemp


5% CBD oil with coconut and hemp

CBD Full Spectrum 5% organic oil infused with coconut and hemp.

It has a variety of antioxidants for an excellent sensation, which has soothing properties.

Due to the CBD spectrum, this oil is a good antiseptic that offers a regenerating effect and an instant state of comfort.

The oil comes in a dark glass container for protection against U.V rays, with an airtight closure to preserve its quality.

Our products are tested and certified in laboratories in SPAIN.

This oil contains 500 mg of CBD with a pure, full-spectrum extraction.


Size: 10 ml



CBD Full Spectrum organic oil infused with coconut and hemp,

contains a variety of antioxidants for an excellent sensation, which has soothing properties.

Due to the CBD spectrum, this oil is a good antiseptic that offers a regenerating effect and an instant state of comfort.

The oil comes in a dark glass container for protection against U.V rays, with an airtight closure to preserve its quality.

The technology used to extract our CBD Full Spectrum oil is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extraction. It is the most optimized, innovative, and clean extraction method.

Supercritical Co2 guarantees the quality of our product, thus obtaining added value for the development of our cosmetics.

The quality of our oils conforms to the standards of European certifications:

  -ISO 9001

  -ISO 14000

  -ISO 2200 GMP

  -ISP 22700


CBD is a good fighter against

  • inflammation and pain related to inflammation.
  • epileptic seizures,
  • schizophrenic psychosis,
  • stress, exhaustion,
  • sleep disorders,
  • depression, anxiety,
  • glaucoma,
  • atopic dermatitis,
  • acne,
  • allergies,
  • migraines,
  • nausea and vomiting.

Restores comfort, energy, and good mood.

According to studies

CBD is good in fighting breast cancer. It is also part of medicine for multiple sclerosis.

Heart problems are one of the main problems affecting our health today.

The risk of heart diseases, such as heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke, has risen sharply in recent years.

CBD can lower high blood pressure, which is a cause of stroke and heart attack.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, studies have shown that the antioxidant properties of CBD can reduce inflammation in the heart and inhibit cell death caused by oxidative stress.

More studies: Cannabidiol (CBD) prevents infarction by the non-CB1 mechanism of cannabinoid receptors.


SANTA CBD products are vegan and not tested on animals.



How to use

Some studies have shown that sublingual administration of 5% CBD oil in the amount of 1 drop per 5 kg has helped to reduce and alleviate various conditions such as:


More studies:




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